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Is your Workplace first-aid compliant?

First Aid Kit

A Workplace is any place where a worker goes or is likely to be while at work, or where work is being carried out or is customarily carried out.

Worksafe NZ, Managing Health & Safety, Businesses

When considering what first aid equipment, facilities and first aiders you need, consider the nature of the work carried out for your business as well as the physical locations where the work is done. All workers, including those working outside of usual working hours, must be able to access first aid equipment and first aid support.

Considerations include:

  • The nature of the work in your business and its risks – do you have hot work or work at heights, or does your business handle dangerous goods
  • Physical size and location of your business – availability of prompt medical aid across the entire site?
  • Number and composition of the workers who you employ – what is your plan for reps or remote workers?
  • Are there overlapping duties – Office and warehouse?

The WorkSafe NZ website has full details of your obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act here, or a useful downloadable guide here. As a minimum, you must provide at least one first aid kit for each workplace and ensure workers know where it is.

Check out NXP’s range of first aid kits here. They range from lone-worker kits , to vehicle kits, to large workplace kits, signage, equipment and PPE. Everything you need to be compliant to WorkSafe NZ requirements.

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